Contact details

Jouni Lounasmaa
Executive director
+358 40 533 5813

Foundation’s street address

New Children’s Hospital Foundation
Majakka, Children’s Hospital
Stenbäckinkatu 11
FI-00290 Helsinki

Foundation’s postal address

PO Box 281
FI-00029 HUS

Business ID


Account number

FI 10 5000 0120 3134 15

Our e-invoicing data is as follows:

Company information
Name: Uuden Lastensairaalan Tukisäätiö
VAT-number: 2529078-8
E-invoicing address: 003725290788
Operator information
Operator: Maventa
Operator Broker ID: 003721291126
Operator Broker ID in banking network: DABAFIHH

If you are not able to send invoices electronically, please send paper invoices to the following address:
Uuden Lastensairaalan Tukisäätiö
PL 100
80020 Kollektor Scan


The foundation is the developer and property owner of the New Children’s Hospital. We built something really valuable together - thanks to all our supporters!

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5th anniversary seminar

The UN Child Rights Week is celebrated this year with the theme of the child's right to well-being. The week coincides nicely with the 5th birthday of the New Children's Hospital. Welcome to the celebration seminar on November 20, 2023 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Without private funding, the construction of the new children's hospital would have moved far into the future. Thanks to the donations, the research and development work for children will continue and the New Children's Hospital will continue to be the world's best children's hospital for children in the future.

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